
The role of this glossary is to propose the definitions of certain terms, in order to facilitate the
understanding of certain texts presented on this website. These definitions have no scientific
pretentiousness. They are based on my observations and feelings.They have the value of my
While making up this glossary, I realised also that taking one term after the other, putting it in linear time and space means isolating it from it's original context : "the All"(?).From that, the
presented vision, from my point of view, is quite limited. At the same time, it is by that way, the
objective reality, that the brain can comprehend things.
I suggest and encourage you "to read" these definitions while being centered in your inner being
and in your heart ,in order to discern if they resonate with you or not.
That said, all scientific research is most interesting in the sense that, bit by bit, {it validates these
empirical, sensory and mystical perceptions described since the dawn of time in many old writings
and transcripts.}
One does not stop the other: just the opposite, all intermingles.


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