"Emotions and beliefs, accumulted throughout a life-time, can lead to repetitive attitudes and,
sometimes, even an impasse.Thus, the human being can only be explained by considering his totality :
this is why I work in the multidimensionality and the infinite aspect of the being. To acheive this
I put to use different energy fields ( emotional, mental, psychic, physical, spiritual ) to awaken
your conscious, to make your heart shine and allow you to experiment your uniqueness."


Confirmed swiss therapist

Adamael van Singer has been working for many years. She gently accompanies you in the opening of a true vision of yourself and in the transformation of your imprints of the past.
Her years of training and her recognized and innovative technics allows you to find the way to being your true
self and to re-appropriate your free-will, thus, opening up many new possibilities in your life.

Adamael speaks french, english and german.

If you are living one of these situations ...

. Painful life situations, at a crossroad
. Physical,mental and emotional traumas (accidents,divorce,sexual abuse,etc)
. Near-death experience
. Extra-sensory perceptions
.Sickness and chronic pain
.Family conflicts, also with children and adolescents
. Work conflicts, professional insatisfaction
.Looking into personal developement,to know oneself, to refine the perception of
. The integration of a walk-in
...talk about it with Adamael


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