"Awakening with the Aid of Triangles"


Here is a form of " quantique " therapie that I have been experimenting with in my practice for a while now, using my hands and intention.
One can find on the web similar techniques - the most well known are those of Frauke, Kaluzinski, Kinslow and Bartlett.
Being that this "quantique" field is totally unlimited, we will see in the years to come numerous different methods.
Here is my approach :
The framework is always the same, but the work in itself is different each time. This work adapts to the Multidimensional Life Impulse of every person.
In your field of Multidimensional Life Impulse - which is made up of your invisible quantique matrix - all is information.There are many other aspects, such as, for example," time and space" ."Time and space" in other dimensions doesn't exist as we know it as it is without constraints and without attachment.
It is a very interesting type of work, in the sense that you do not need to know all the details of the "history", your history, and that is one of the reasons why " time and space" are no longer important.
Here are certain aspects that may come up during a session :
It is to know that all necessary information or chosen theme are already registered, imprinted, expressed in your Multidimensional Life Impulse field.
It is a work of presence and of consciousness beyond "time and space"and directed through the heart.
Generally, before starting, we agree upon the theme or intention to be worked on during the session.
If it is possible, being centered in your being and your heart is important during the work as the synergy of our 2 consciences amplifies the possibilities and the openings to other dimensions.
I put an anchorage in place , generally by touching you lightly on one of your shoulders.

These are the basics of my approach.

This work can be used for the following :

  • the inner child
  • history of the physical body of today, of yesterday and even into the deepest dimensions (atomique,subatomique), vibratory.
  • potentials
  • karmic
  • collective domains (city, country, religion, politics, etc )
  • And many more possibilities.

Everyone has their own personal framework of life written in their field of Multidimensional Life Impulse.
Everyone has their own family history, transgenerational.

It is a simple method, with always 3 aspects interconnected with others, but how we live through and feel this work can be very important and powerful and different each time for everybody.

Here is a form of " quantique " therapie that I have been experimenting with in my practice for a while now, using my hands and intention.
One can find on the web similar techniques - the most well known are those of Frauke, Kaluzinski, Kinslow and Bartlett.
Being that this "quantique" field is totally unlimited, we will see in the years to come numerous different methods.
Here is my approach :
The framework is always the same, but the work in itself is different each time. This work adapts to the Multidimensional Life Impulse of every person.
In your field of Multidimensional Life Impulse - which is made up of your invisible quantique matrix - all is information.There are many other aspects, such as, for example," time and space" ."Time and space" in other dimensions doesn't exist as we know it as it is without constraints and without attachment.
It is a very interesting type of work, in the sense that you do not need to know all the details of the "history" and that is one of the reasons why " time and space" are no longer important.
Here are certain aspects that may come up during a session :
It is to know that all necessary information or chosen theme are already registered, imprinted, expressed in your Multidimensional Life Impulse field.
It is a work of presence and of consciousness beyond "time and space"and directed through the heart.
Generally, before starting, we agree upon the theme or intention to be worked on during the session.
If it is possible, being centered in your being and your heart is important during the work as the synergy of our 2 consciences amplifies the possibilities and the openings to other dimensions.
I put an anchorage in place , generally by touching you lightly on one of your shoulders.

These are the basics of my approach.

This work can be used for the following :

  • the inner child
  • history of the physical body of today, of yesterday and even into the deepest dimensions (atomique,subatomique), vibratory.
  • potentials
  • karmic
  • collective domains (city, country, religion, politics, etc )
  • And many more possibilities.

Everyone has their own personal framework of life written in their field of Multidimensional Life Impulse.
Everyone has their own family history, transgenerational.

It is a simple method, with always 3 aspects interconnected with others, but how we live through and feel this work can be very important and powerful and different each time for everybody.


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