Fifty years after the discovery of DNA, we know today that it is influenced by its environment.

Science is only now beginning to realize that DNA is not rigid, but that Life reacts in its structure.
As all matter is in continuous evolution, our bodies adjust themselves permanently to all sorts of exterieur and internal influences.

Nothing is static around us.
DNA is supple, flexible and can be reprogrammed. Due to its
vibratory and electromagnetic fields, DNA is sensitive to messages coming from the environment and is especially sensitive to the voice and the intention emitted by the person.

By working on the DNA, we acquire the possibility to become our own acteur. We can then leave behind the struggle of our own duality while accepting our existance to finally experiment our own balance.
I use the approach developped by Mrs. Kishori Aird, using what she calls "protocols of reprogramming".
This approach opens up to many possibilities, rich and innovative.

The sessions are done with one sitting across from the other or by Skype.

Session Pirces


Fifty years after the discovery of DNA, we know today that it is influenced by its environment.

Science is only now beginning to realize that DNA is not rigid, but that Life reacts in its structure.
As all matter is in continuous evolution, our bodies adjust themselves permanently to all sorts of exterieur and internal influences.

Nothing is static around us.
DNA is supple, flexible and can be reprogrammed. Due to its
vibratory and electromagnetic fields, DNA is sensitive to messages coming from the environment and is especially sensitive to the voice and the intention emitted by the person.

By working on the DNA, we acquire the possibility to become our own acteur. We can then leave behind the struggle of our own duality while accepting our existance to finally experiment our own balance.
I use the approach developped by Mrs. Kishori Aird, using what she calls "protocols of reprogramming".
This approach opens up to many possibilities, rich and innovative.

The sessions are done with one sitting across from the other or by Skype.

Session Pirces


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Vastitude des possibles